SmartgySUM – Smart and Green Energy Systems and Business Models

The overall objective of this ITN is to implement a multidisciplinary and innovative research and training programme, bringing together different scientific fields and industrial participation to enable a new generation of Early Stage Researchers (ESR) to foster a New Green Energy Economy in Europe. SMARTGYsum – Smart and Green Energy Systems and Business Models research and training programme will focus on providing the ESR with relevant knowledge, methods and skills across a wide range of disciplines around the Energy ecosystem and within the accelerating area of Renewable Electric Energy Systems (REES) to sustain the proliferation and consolidation of business models which will sustain the deployment of REES and technologies into the green energy system. Today, various barriers prevent an increased deployment of renewable electric energy systems including: Market and social barriers (price distortion through externalities, low priority of energy issues, split incentives, etc); Financial barriers (investment, high up-front costs, lack of access to capital etc); Information failures (lack of awareness, knowledge and competence); Regulatory barriers (restrictive procurement rules). The business models in SMARTGYsum – will be developed as strategies to invest in renewable electric energy systems in which the financing and implementation of renewable electric energy systems contribute to overcome the deployment of REES. This goal will be achieved by a unique combination of direct research training, non-academic internships and courses and seminars/workshops on scientific and complementary so-called “transversal” or “soft” skills facilitated by a multidisciplinary, multisectoral and international consortium .